Sign the pledge to vote for candidates who support a Green New Deal — a real action plan that tackles climate change and inequality.
For decades, fossil fuel billionaires and their political allies have put people and the planet in jeopardy. Last fall, scientists confirmed we only have 12 years to cut our emissions in half to avoid catastrophic climate change.
While the political establishment continues compromising our future, inequality keeps rising, injustice deepens, and the climate crisis gets worse and worse. Their time is over. The 2019 election is Our Time.
Our Time is a national campaign led by young people and millennials who are championing a vision for a Green New Deal for Canada — an ambitious plan to tackle climate change and inequality together. Our goal is to organize and mobilize a generational alliance of young and millennial voters that’s big enough and bold enough to push politicians to support a Green New Deal in the lead up to the 2019 election. This campaign is supported by and a growing network of local Our Time hubs across the country.
We’re looking for young leaders across the country to start organizing in support of a Green New Deal for Canada in the lead up to the 2019 election. Join a local hub to get started.
We’re looking for young leaders across the country to start organizing in support of a Green New Deal for Canada in the lead up to the 2019 election. Join a local hub to get started.