Welcome to the Our Time website!

Young people could decide the outcome of the Canadian election this October.

This is our time to decide — our time for a Green New Deal.

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Photo Credit: Allan Lissner

Are you a young person or a millennial?

Sign the pledge to vote for candidates who support a Green New Deal — a real action plan that tackles climate change and inequality.

For decades, fossil fuel billionaires and their political allies have put people and the planet in jeopardy. Last fall, scientists confirmed we only have 12 years to cut our emissions in half to avoid catastrophic climate change.

While the political establishment continues compromising our future, inequality keeps rising, injustice deepens, and the climate crisis gets worse and worse. Their time is over. The 2019 election is Our Time.

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For this campaign, we’re focused on organizing young people and millennials under the age of 35. But to win, we will need everyone. If you’re young at heart or an ally in this fight, click here to join the movement.

Who We Are

Our Time is a national campaign led by young people and millennials who are championing a vision for a Green New Deal for Canada — an ambitious plan to tackle climate change and inequality together. Our goal is to organize and mobilize a generational alliance of young and millennial voters that’s big enough and bold enough to push politicians to support a Green New Deal in the lead up to the 2019 election. This campaign is supported by 350.org and a growing network of local Our Time hubs across the country.

We’re looking for young leaders across the country to start organizing in support of a Green New Deal for Canada in the lead up to the 2019 election. Join a local hub to get started.

Our Time

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Join Our Time Ottawa

We’re looking for young leaders across the country to start organizing in support of a Green New Deal for Canada in the lead up to the 2019 election. Join a local hub to get started.

Join Our Time Ottawa

Join Our Time Winnipeg


What is a Green New Deal for Canada?

Canada’s Green New Deal is a vision to transform our economy and society to tackle climate change at the pace and scale that science and justice demand. Exactly how we do that is something that people, social movements, and communities across Canada will define, but here’s one idea of what it could look like.

Why is this campaign focused on young people?

Winning a Green New Deal for Canada will take all of us. Our Time is organizing people under 35 because young people and millennials are a generational climate frontline, and because we are the largest voting bloc this election. If you’re over 35, you still have a critical role in this fight. Click here to get involved.

What if I want to do more than sign a pledge?

That’s great! You can click here to join or start a local Our Time hub.

What are some other campaigns in support of a Green New Deal for Canada?

Thankfully, there is a ton of work happening around this already. Click here to find the petition organized by our friends at The Leap. In Quebec, Le Pacte Pour Transition has been another amazing campaign pushing for massive economic transition to deal with climate change.

Is this campaign affiliated with any political parties?

No, Our Time is a non-partisan campaign looking to push politicians across the spectrum towards a bold, visionary Green New Deal for Canada. Our Time will push all parties, and candidates, to support a Green New Deal for Canada. Our hope is that parties adopt the Green New Deal into their party platform and that if they don’t, candidates pledge to go beyond the platform, doing whatever it takes to win a Green New Deal. We can move the window of what’s politically possible, and change politics so that, together, we can win the kind of climate action we really need. While we understand the constraints of politics, winning a Green New Deal means changing them, and like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says in this video – we can be whatever we have the courage to see.

Cette campagne existe-elle en français? Is this website available in French?

Pas encore! On a besoin de vous pour démarrer ce projet au Québec! Si vous voulez créer un groupe Our Time/Notre moment quelque part au Québec, remplissez ce formulaire.

Not yet! We need your help to get organizing off the ground in Quebec. If you’re interested in starting an Our Time hub in Quebec, please fill out this form.

