Key Action & Message of the Week:

Our message this week: it’s officially election time – let’s organize, strike and vote for a Green New Deal.

Tonight, we’re hosting a mass organizing call where we’ll cover our plans to organize, strike and vote for a Green New Deal this election, and I want you to join us.

Register to join in

On Monday, we released our first slate of Green New Deal Champions – 13 candidates we endorsed through a national, grassroots process working with Our Time organizers across the country. You can find the whole list here and read more about how we endorsed our champions here. We’re getting ready for the massive global climate strikes planned for later this month with Our Time organizers planning campus walkouts and plugging into the climate strikes that are happening in every corner of the country.

Highlights from Across the Country:

Our big highlight this week was that last weekend, more than 30 Our Time organizers from across the country gathered in Edmonton to prepare for the coming weeks. Now they’re home, training up thousands more to build a massive movement for a Green New Deal. Here are a few photos:

Photo Credit: Nhattan Nguyen

Election State of Play:

We know it feels like the election is well underway, but the 2019 federal election official begins today! This morning, Justin Trudeau asked the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and officially kick off the campaign. 

In the coming days, as we see more polling and punditry, it’s very important for us to remember that we have the power to shape what happens in this election.  

With the 13 candidates we endorsed this week, we’re demonstrating that something big is happening and that we’re putting climate change and a Green New Deal on the political agenda.

Tools & Resources:

Join tonight’s mass organizing call at 5:00 PT/6:00 MT/7:00 CT/8:00 ET/9:00 AT/9:30 NT

We’re continuing to organize campus walkouts and supporting strikes across the country. Click here for the Climate Walkouts organizing guide and click here to visit the global climate strikes page.
