Key Action & Message of the Week:
Last week’s day of action was amazing! This week, we’re going to turn up the heat on the CBC because they can, and should host this climate debate. And, that’s our key message this week – Canada needs a federal leaders’ climate debate and the CBC can make it happen.
There are 3 things you can do to take action this week:
- Sign the petition to Jennifer McGuire, the CBC’s Editor-in-Chief and General Manager. We’re talking with our friends at Leadnow to see about teaming up to deliver both of these petitions to the CBC HQ in Toronto in the coming weeks. But we need to make sure we have as many signatures as possible before then. Will you help us out by collecting some signatures in your community? Here’s everything you need to canvass with the petition: how to run a canvass, canvass script, and canvass sheet.
- Tweet at the CBC’s flagship radio show, Cross Country Checkup, asking them to put the question “should the CBC host a federal leaders’ debate on climate change and a Green New Deal?” out to people across Canada this Sunday.
- Flood your local or provincial CBC call-in show with tweets and calls for the CBC to host a climate debate. Our Time Toronto made this happen in a big way with Ontario Today, a daily provincial CBC call-in show. The story of how they did it is below.
Cam from also wrote up a helpful blog laying out 10 questions the CBC could ask at a federal leaders’ climate debate. You can see that here.
Highlights from across the country:
Our big highlight was last Wednesday when thousands of people in over 30 communities took action! Here’s a rundown of the entire day.

Vancouver community gathers outside their local CBC studio. Photo Credit: Niko Bell
Click the links below for:
But that’s not all that happened! Earlier this week, Our Time Toronto learned that Ontario Today, a daily CBC radio call-in show would be talking about climate change. They quickly got organized and flooded the show with calls, getting many callers on the airwaves calling for a climate debate – including some people who had no connection to Our Time! You can read more about how they made it happen and how you can do the same thing in your community by clicking here.
Election State of Play:
Polls continue to project that the federal election is a dead statistical heat among the frontrunners, with pundits focusing on the potential of a minority Parliament. At this point, all bets are off – and remember, polling is only a snapshot in time, so take this with a grain of salt. It’s on us to create momentum behind champions of a Green New Deal.
Tools and Resources:
Join the Our Time Bootcamp this upcoming Monday. It’s an online training for anyone who wants to organize with Our Time to learn about our campaign DNA and our strategy to win. Click here to register for the training.
That’s it for now. Thanks for reading this edition of Our Time News – we’ll be back in two weeks with more.
Photo Credit: Niko Bell